Gamani, The Untold Story of Valor of the village soldiers who rose to the occasion to combat the terrorists during the brutal massacring of border villages, was Sarath Weerasekara’s inaugural cinematic creation.
35 years of experience in the battlefield, being a true eye witness, a warrior and a bearer of the atrocities of war had enabled him to create a realistic cinematic experience for the viewers and it was widely embraced by the audiences island wide and was acclaimed by the world of Sri Lankan Cinema.
17 Derana film awards including
Best Director, script writer and song writer
5 OCIC film awards including the best Director, best Script Writer, best song and best film of the year.
His Second Cinematic masterpiece will soon be gifted to his fans and audiences island wide, which is based on the story of King Wijayabahu the great, named as Shri Sidhdha.
He, the Writer :
The Ink that never dries
The Pen that never stops writing âœï¸!
From then to now he continues to pen down his thoughts on relevant, newsworthy, timely topics of interest, by dissecting them with his analytical mind,scrutinizing information to the minutest detail to create awareness to his
He condemned those who cheered negative, treacherous, radical ideologies and created cinema that belittled and ridiculed the soldier and the soldier’s wife’s mentality, unabashedly.
He is also a gifted poet who is well versed in literature and art.
He is the author of
Sagaraya Saha Gahaniyak,
noothana paravi Sandheshaya thotagamuwe shri rahula himi.